A wheat flour flatbread stuffed with a sweet mixture of cooked lentils, jaggery, and spices such as cardamoms.

Modak is a steamed or fried dumpling that is filled with grated coconut, jaggery, and almonds. It is popular during the Ganesh Chaturthi holiday.

A creamy delicacy made with strained yogurt, sugar, cardamom, and saffron, often flavored with mango or pineapple.

A rich and creamy delicacy similar to rabri, created by boiling milk until thickened, then sweetened with sugar and flavored with cardamom, saffron, and almonds.

A variant of shrikhand in which mango pulp is added to the strained yogurt mixture, giving it a delightful mango flavor.

Deep-fried sweet sweets made with soaked rice flour and jaggery or sugar, popular during holidays such as Diwali.

Karadantu, a chewy dessert from North Karnataka and Maharashtra, is created with edible gum, dry fruits, jaggery, and ghee.

This dish, also known as coconut burfi, is created with grated coconut, sugar, and milk that is boiled until thickened before being cut into squares.

A creamy drink made from buttermilk, shrikhand, sugar, and flavored with cardamom and saffron, served chilled.